Surrounding your Audience Where They Are

But changing your message isn’t always the answer. Sometimes the key is in your delivery.

If you’re relying on tactics that take advantage of only one or two of the channels your audience consumes, there’s a chance that when the unexpected strikes, these tactics will fall short of their overarching objectives. If this has happened to you, then you may be wondering—what now?

One solution is to use integrated communications to preserve your key messages and adapt them for a variety of channels to surround your audience where they are. Essentially, you’re telling the same story through a number of different media types to break through the clutter and make your brand ever-present in the eyes and ears of your audience.

Not only does an integrated marketing strategy give you more chances to be seen, but it also allows you to reach members of your audience multiple times to make it difficult—or even impossible—to tune out what you have to say. The results are increased engagement, heightened brand recognition and, if your messages are compelling, improved sales.

At Mod Op, integrated marketing allows us to tell your story in a more personal and meaningful way. It even gives us the space to get creative in solving your challenges and accomplishing your goals. These campaigns don’t just get seen; they make the headlines. This was certainly the case when we partnered with the United Government of Wyandotte County, Kansas to launch a massive, public awareness campaign that led to over 56,000 people receiving their COVID-19 vaccine by June 2021.

Wyandotte County COVID-19 Vaccination Info

When COVID-19 first hit the United States in March 2020, Mod Op was already working with the Unified Government on a strategic communications program. Like many municipal organizations, the Unified Government received hundreds of questions flooding in from both the community and the press in the Kansas City area.

“For a lot of the public information officers, COVID completely changed their job description,” says Mod Op Public Relations Manager Sally Behringer. “They went from a job where they might get a media inquiry maybe once a week to a daily barrage of, ‘Has anybody died yet?’”

With such a sharp spike in the demand for communications, the Unified Government was under pressure to mobilize enough messaging to maintain a positive relationship with their stakeholders and roll out their new health policies. They turned to Mod Op for help in developing an integrated marketing campaign that would bridge the gaps in their communications strategy.

As Behringer led the charge on the public relations front, our creative and paid media  team designed outdoor signage, radio and television spots, and direct mail, both in English and Spanish, encouraging the people of Wyandotte County to stay home, wear masks and get their vaccine to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We took advantage of every communications channel available to us, including newspapers, social media and sporting events, to reach out to a much wider audience and make our message unavoidable. Throughout the campaign, we featured local faces to foster a deeper and more meaningful connection between the Unified Government and the community.

Wyandotte County COVID-19 Vaccination Bus Marketing Campaign

“It’d be difficult to go anywhere and not see some sort of COVID-19 messaging from the health department,” says Mod Op Account Director Aaron Gilbertie. “You walked to the bus; you saw a vinyl wrap on the bus. You got on the bus; it was on a 15 second audio that ran at every stop. You drove anywhere; you saw billboards.”

The campaign was a huge success. As of June 2nd, health officials have administered more than 100,000 doses of the vaccine at Wyandotte County’s vaccination facility, and fewer than 300 county residents have died from the disease. The campaign was featured by several local news outlets, including KSHB, Wyandotte Daily! and The Kansas City Star.

Whether you’re gearing up for your next product launch or just want day-to-day messaging that resonates, consider how you can use integrated communications to be everywhere your audience turns. You’ll make your presence known, and, more importantly, you’ll see significant returns on your investment, regardless of your budget.

Surrounding audiences with compelling marketing messages is what we do everyday. Click here to learn more about our services.