Resourcing tool for the next generation!
Venture / Digital Experiences / Strategic Innovation
The Challenge
Prior to the Booq app, determining available resources was a 100% manual process involving spreadsheets, Rolodexes, and many, many phone calls. The goal was to digitize resourcing and allow it to be done from any device anywhere in the world.
The Work
After countless interviews with Industry professionals, we determined that visibility was the key factor in resourcing. Instantly accessing the resource's availability, their skill set and general location would reduce the time it takes to staff a project.
Creating Projects
Creating Projects allows you to begin to identify potential resources before the project has been authorized to begin. In addition, you can create as many projects as you like. With projects, you can also assign a resource manager that will be responsible for staffing the project.
Resourcing made easy
Resourcing made easy - with the ability to search for resources from one application not only saves time, but you can also communicate with the resources from within the app.
The Impact
By digitizing the resourcing process, the Booq app will ensure projects are staffed efficiently with any changes to resource availability communicated automatically to the Resource Manager for the Project.