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The Challenge

Mod Op needed to develop and execute an integrated communications program with PR at its center to build awareness quickly, gain third-party credibility and generate customer interest.

The Work

Mod Op also secured two speaking slots at key trade shows where the client introduced Harris CapRock One to customers. We produced an animated video, website and blog content and LinkedIn articles all to be used as supporting content for the PR efforts.

Demo Video

In order to demonstrate the new service, we concepted and produced a high-level explainer video that showed cruise operators how this breakthrough technology would revolutionize and simplify their satellite communications.

The Impact

From launch, the story in the market was clear: Harris CapRock One was the only complete communications solution.

82 Articles

The PR program drove 82 pieces of media coverage.

18 Feature Stories

Through news coverage, Mod Op was able to tell the Harris CapRock One story in detail with elevated credibility.

0 Punches Pulled

The campaign reached not just potential customers but also every other audience that influenced the service’s image in the market.