Digital or Bust

Although this seems obvious, and, even with the advent of social media and companies like Google and Amazon integrating into our daily lives, many companies, including some large, publicly traded companies, felt it was unnecessary to develop a comprehensive digital strategy.  Companies that were still performing, albeit at significantly lower growth rates than their digital peers, suggested it was not worth the investment to assimilate to ecommerce or digital channels. Sales organizations that have relied only upon on-the-ground sales forces, using long-time personal relationships, have slowly seen that model deteriorate. Covid-19 has significantly accelerated the idea that companies without a digital ecosystem are likely to be “Blockbustered”.

Over the past few years, Mod Op has partnered with many clients to achieve their goal of building a digital ecosystem, encompassing a modern, effective website, mobile applications and a digital media strategy, including programmatic and display advertising, SEM, SEO, social media and public relations.  Additionally, creative is an important aspect of all of these disciplines. Effective creative will always make a good digital strategy great.

To be clear, we don’t believe we need to leverage all disciplines for all clients. Instead, we consider the historic business model of the client and work with management to build a strategy that will transform and conjoin with the existing model, creating a framework for the future. And, while digital transformation has been more common among B2C companies than it has been among B2B companies, there may be opportunities for B2B companies to differentiate themselves through new digital frameworks and strategies. Regardless, an integrated approach, including a portion or all of the strategies above, will allow for companies to outpace their peers, or in some cases, save them from a fate similar to that of Blockbuster.